June 24, 2010

Where to begin....

Well here we are again. It's been almost a month since my last post, I apologize.
Not a whole lot is going on. Just going with the flow. Fathers day went great this year. Had a wonderful Saturday at John and Lisa's, good food and the lake. The Boys loved it.I will post pics later this evening or weekend. On Fathers day day, hahah, we slept in, daddy and Robert went golfing with my daddy and uncle Wayne. We then met at my grandmas and had some more delicious food. After that we went down to Stansbury. Robert got to play with Devy and Dillan, we missed Jordan!

Another big milestone has been achieved by Mr. Walker, he can now pull himself up to everything. He loves to stand and likes to try walking even more! He loves when daddy hold his hand and walks with him. I have a feeling one day he is just going to totally take off on his own.

We have also been dealing with sickness..Robert was sick at the cabin two weekends ago. We found out that he had hand foot and mouth. Yes I know weird. The doc said it's very common though. Then Walker got it and an ear infection. Last week Walker got a fever that went up to 102.2, so I rushed him to be seen and they tested him couldn't figure it out and sent us to the hospital for blood test. We found out it was just a virus. Poor baby. This week we all seem to be congested, coughy, and sore throats. YAY us. Not. Hopefully we are done by this weekend. I would really like to take the boys to desert peak and go see Toy Story 3. So we will see.

Still haven't sold our house, however it is listed with an agent finally. After much debate and so many realtors. We went with Danielle Lopez. She offered the best percentage and we are very confident in her. Sorry Candace! :( Hope you don't hate me.
Danielle is doing a wonderful job, hopefully we hear something soon!
I think I go through the house plans that we want daily. Not that it changes, I just can't believe that we are finally going to have a brand new house. I am way to excited. HOPEFULLY the house sells!!!!!!

Well that is it for now. I will post some pics soon.

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