February 8, 2011

And a few more...

Ok so I got to thinking about other things that I would like to start doing more/getting better at.

( In no specific order)

1. Do more activities at work with the boys. Set out a certain amount of time to play with them and do art activties. They love it so much when we do art stuff, so I need to maybe set a little time several times through out the day, Robert has been very vocal on how much he dislikes work nowadays, which makes me sad. I want him to be happy that he gets to be with mommy and daddy all day. But when we are always busy, I can see how work can be boring for him.

2. NO MORE LATE FEEs.... ( of course I don't let my bills get late fees) I am talking about MOVIES!!! WE are HORRIBLE about turning in our Red Boxes/Netflix movies. We probably have over $50 a month for movies fees. Which is ridiculous!

3. Print pictures, not just download. I honestly don't think I have printed a stack of pictures since Walker has been born. I have them all downloaded to my computer, but I have no copies. SO I am going to start getting them printed. My goal- MONTHLY. WIsh me luck.

4. Get my sewing machine out!!! There are plenty of things around my house I can start practicing on.

Just a few things I will be working on :)

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